We pulled out of Austin Minnesota a little earlier than usual as we were hoping to 1. beat the bad winds in South Dakota and 2. get to visit Mitchell to see the famous Corn Palace. We accomplished both ...the rest of Minnesota was filled with rolling farmland and beautiful farms.
It's funny how you never hardly notice wind when driving in a car ....but when you are 13' high its a whole other issue ...luckily we got parked before the real wind began. By the time we were heading in to Mitchell to see the Corn Palace (in the van) the winds were gusting up to 30mph ....
The Corn Palace was as amazing as everyone had told us ...made completely of ears and kernals of corn and some husks too ....spent a couple of hours in Mitchell and then headed back to Sioux Falls.
We had heard that thunderstorms were expected tonight and sure enough we were on tornado watch for about an hour ...no tornado evolved but we had a heckuva thunderstorm ...lightening across the skies ....and a downpour ....
On to Belvidere South Dakota tomorrow ....
Happy Trails!!!!