Monday, May 1, 2017

Lynnville IN. to Lexington KY. to Sutton/Flatwoods WV

Ooops !!!! I forgot to Blog yesterday - We had such a lovely evening in Lexington - sitting out and enjoying the surroundings and a fire - till the skies opened - then we started watching our favorite Sunday night TV shows - I completely forgot until I was on the road today ...The rain storms came and went all through the night and we got up to torrential downpours this morning.  But we would certainly come back here and stay again !!

A few photos from yesterday -

Today was our worst day for travel ...we started off in rain and ended in heavy rain today ....The whole trip today was in and out of rain storms ...from light to torrential were very glad to end for the day here in Flatwoods WV - and we are anything but "flat"   We are deep in the hills of West Virginia with a beautiful view ...Phil hooked us up in pouring rain ...and about 20 minutes after he changed out of his wet clothes - the sun came out and ended up being a lovely evening!!

Following an RV group on Facebook - we have seen today that we have been so lucky to avoid some devastating flooding in areas where we had just spent time ... tomorrow we are on to Erie PA where we will spend our last night on the road - and should be home to Burlington on Wednesday ..

Happy Trails and God Bless !!

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