Sunday, April 23, 2017

Albuquerque to Amarillo

We started our day a little earlier, after a really nice continental breakfast at the campground...Once again we had blue blue skies and cooler temps to travel in ....but it wasn't long before we started feeling the gentle sway of a breeze - well actually it was a 16mph wind that rocked the beejeepers out of us ....but Phil handled it like a pro and we did stop a couple extra times so he could shake out his arms from holding onto the steering wheel ...we moved into central time zone so we arrived around 3 p.m.

We have been at his RV park before and really enjoy it ....and as mentioned previously we were so looking forward to our Steak dinner at the end of our day ...
Our "limo" drive was due at 7 - and he arrived right on time

Then on to the Big Texan - The best steak - everything was delicious -

Deep in Thought!!!

Decision Made !!! hahahahaha
Seriously though, we both had a great dinner and just enjoyed the atmosphere. 

This young Aussie tried to do the big 72 oz steak and trimmings in 1 hour ....he Failed!!! but it was a good try

On to Oklahoma City tomorrow and a stay at an Elk's Lodge - then on to Branson

Until tomorrow - Happy Trails!!

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