Saturday, April 22, 2017

Change of Plans - Gallup to Albuquerque

We decided to change todays ending point.   It was a fantastic for driving and we had decided to make it a short day and end in Albuquerque ...There is an RV park here where we have stayed twice before but we were surprised to find out it was completely sold out we came across the Interstate to the American RV Park
It has turned out to be a great decision ....its a great place and also has a Continental Breakfast which is almost unheard of in the RVing world ....

Tomorrow we will have a longer drive now but we know there is a great Steak dinner at the end of it the Big Texan steak house ...we have been once before and will stay in the RV park a block away ....we are looking forward to it :)

Weather is holding very nicely ....wind, to me, is worse than snow, when you are in a 13' 6" vehicle...hoping we can avoid it over the next day or two ...

Until tomorrow - Happy Trails!!!!

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