Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Mitchell to Belvidere South Dakota

We had a great start to the day rained through the night but there sunny skies in the morning and a short travel day ...Straight shot due West and all went so well until the last 30 miles when the wind reared its ugly head and we were caught in a construction zone with only 2 lanes and the wind pushing to one side and transport trucks adding to the mix ...a white knuckle for me and Phil hanging on to that steering wheel ....but all was well when we came to our KOA and it was only 1130 a.m.  ...somewhere in there we had blown into Mountain Time ....before the wind I was able to shoot a couple of pretty pictures

 I promise - no more pictures of rolling farmland - but it was so pretty :)

Now just one more photo of a cornfield because the layers of color caught my eye and followed by a "seen better days" field of sunflowers

Once we were settled at a very nice KOA where we stayed 5 years ago and shook of the last 30 miles we headed to Wall South Dakota to visit the infamous Wall Drug.  We skipped it on our last tour through this area and wanted to see it this time. 

Waiting patiently for me to change batteries :)
It was well worth the visit and we had our Buffalo Burgers which were great.

Tomorrow we move on to Spearfish South Dakota where we will stay till Saturday or Sunday because we have a wishlist of things to see and do.  So for now ..

Happy Trails!!

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