Sunday, September 27, 2015

The Road to Colorado

I forgot to write in this Blog last night and I can only say it was probably due to just not having much to show or say.

We left Spearfish and one of the loveliest campgrounds we have ever stayed in on Saturday morning....we were on our way to Lusk Wyoming. I had been to Wyoming before - but it was on I-90...this time we came down through Hwy 585 to 85 and south and I had not realized it was miles and miles AND MILES of prairie and although I suppose it has its own beauty ...the brown, dry lands seemed to go on forever. 

The "fun" part of the drive was seeing my first Prairie Dogs standing up out of their holes ...looking around ...cutest thing ever, well I don't think the ranchers think so ...there was miles with no services, no rest stops, no gas stations, no campgrounds - finally we came to our chosen campground ...Prairie View !!!!!  one of only two campgrounds for miles the town of Lusk, Wy ...and it was in the middle of a prairie cow pasture I am sure ....but the light at the end of this tunnel was a Pizza shop in the town, with wonderful online reviews, that delivered to the campground!!!  It was 90 degrees  (+30) when we got there so we gave the pizza a try ...they delivered right to our motorhome door and it was DELICIOUS!!! 

Soon after retiring for the night I realized I hadn't Blogged here we are tonight - a twofer !!

We left the prairie campground and headed south on I-25 ...heading to Fort Collins Colorado ...once again our viewing pleasure was more of the same ....we did see deer and pronged horn antelope abundant in the brown fields ...but soon we could see the Rocky Mountains to the west as we travelled along beside them and I knew that one day soon we had to go over them or through them ...!!!!

We found a Flying J gas station and every trucker, Camper, Rv'er was there getting gas because it was the first one we had seen for miles !!   Gas was a little higher here at $2.45 and this trip we only got 7.2 mpg - but we had gone from 4000 ft to 6500 ft (above sea level) so we expected it to drop while we pulled the hills ...

See those mountains ??  Home is on the other side :)

Moving on tomorrow to Colorado Springs where we have much planned to see and do ....we have already booked our tickets for the Cog Railroad to go to the top of  Pike's Peak !!!  Phil is planning to wear a snowsuit I think !!!  We plan to stay in Colorado Springs until Thursday and longer if we don't get it all done :)  Cant wait !!!

Happy Trails

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